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Posted: Oct 24, 2008 7:25:43 am

This might be ideal if your thinking of getting into track days.  Great circuit and a great price.

Clicky thing

Posted: Nov 12, 2008 10:17:32 pm

Compared to other pricing i've seen, that seems like a really cheap option.  My questions are:

- Is there any restrictions on the type of car you can take;
- is it likely to be a more empty track; and
- does alot of novices equal danger!

Posted: Jan 09, 2009 9:20:43 am

Its a very open event and apart from noise I dont believe there are any restrictions. 

Your last point is a good one though.  You may be right, but what I am hoping is that these days wil have less participants and therefore more room to enjoy the day!

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