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Posted: Jan 23, 2014 12:57:35 pm

Hi all

I just managed to make this Porsche out of a solid block of aluminium and was quite
surprised how well it turned out.

I was hoping for some comments from some people who actually own one to see if
they think its as good as I do

Many thanks in advance


Attached File(s)Porsche.JPG (175KB / 1079 Downloads)

Posted: Jan 26, 2014 1:01:47 pm

Looks awesome....

How did you make it?

Please feel free to upload some pics to our sister website Channel P101tv

Posted: Jan 27, 2014 6:18:48 am

Thanks Pete

I managed to find a 3D model online and then produced a program using CADCAM.
Had to rough and finish each side on a 3 axis cnc milling machine . Very time consuming (probably over 100hrs of machining) and difficult to match sides up but all in all came out good....


Posted: Jan 27, 2014 11:27:41 am

That's great work.  It's been a few years since I played on a CAD CAM machine.  I started on CNC when it first cam out.

You've done a great job.

Please feel free to upload to P101tv.  The guys on there would love to see it I'm sure.

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