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Posted: Dec 09, 2013 9:49:01 am

Hi again all
I have noticed that im losing a little water and some oil , I have taken off the oil cap and there is a little bit of gunk , I think one of the head gaskets are on there way out . I was thinking of doing this myself but I cant find a step by step instructions , can anyone let me know were I can find this or buy this ?

Posted: Jan 26, 2014 1:04:41 pm

Hi Mate - this is for your 996 correct?  I havent done a water cooled Porsce before only my old aircooled old girl.

I cant imagine it would be overly difficult.  Perhaps a Bently manual would be a first Port of Call. 

If you do manage to get it done, then please make a guide or video and maybe upload it to Channel P101tv

Good luck

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