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Posted: May 24, 2014 9:39:22 am

A few months have passed and I've finally bitten the bullet, the engine and box are oit and separated.  Suprisingly the clutch still had life in it but will be replaced anyway.  The clutch release fork may be bent very slightly and the flywheel needs skimming.
Thats before I even get the engine apart which I'm really not looking forward to but at least I've started now and it has meant I finally emptied some of the rubbish out of the garage

Posted: Jun 02, 2014 11:02:07 pm

The situation is worse than ever, a hole through a barrel and totally mangled internals, the block is scrap along with one cam. Very little salvageable  and I mean very little:-(may have to sell the car for parts after all :sad019:

Posted: Jul 06, 2014 1:45:27 pm

Oh mate, that's awful. I feel for you.  What about getting a second hand engine?

Posted: Feb 22, 2015 5:56:32 pm

Hello Pete, a long time has passed and lot gone on in my world since my last post. Divorce led to selling my house and starting again, I have  been without a computer since then too until last night.
I lost rather a lot but still  kept the car and it went to live in a friends mothers garage to stop me from selling it for parts. On a happier note, I am now with a great lady who remembers my 911 when I used to drive it and she has positively encouraged me to keep it and get it back on the road, when she gets her driveway re-layed she has said I can get it towed here so we can be reunited.
As from today I have started the tinternet search for a complete engine, so if you or anyone else hears of a running engine  I am all ears, even without the fuel system as I bought a new airbox and salvaged all the rest from my dead engine.
The future is brighter all round  :) 

Posted: Feb 27, 2015 12:35:55 pm

Hello mate.  Sorry to hear your news, but on the plus side you get a new woman and keep your 911.  There's light at the end of the tunnel afterall  :agree:

Posted: Mar 03, 2015 9:22:12 am

Currently negotiating with a guy somewhere near London for a complete engine, just wary of buying another piece of expensive scrap as my rather generous lady is lending me the money for the engine but I don`t have the money for a professional rebuild, hoping this one will be a service and fit. I have asked him to do a compression test so just waiting now.

Posted: Mar 26, 2015 6:53:11 pm

Yep, a compression test is essential.  Like you say you dont want to buy scrap. What engine are you getting and how much are they asking?

Posted: Aug 06, 2015 7:21:59 am

Been a while since the engine buying fiasco, I could have bought it for around £3500 but without the compression test I wasn't willing to take the risk. It was the right engine to go straight into mine, right year and spec being a 1981 3.0 litre 204 bhp . Well sadly it didn't happen and the car is still sat in friends mothers garage, although the recovery truck is booked for next Monday and it getting delivered to where I am now living, so still engineless but for the first time in over a year it will all be in one place again.

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